Making the World your Parish

We help you take Jesus to where the people are: Online.

God’s Kingdom is

Bigger than A Building

We design and implement every facet of digital ministry for churches of all sizes.

From websites and social media, to livestreaming and podcasting, we can help you take Jesus to where the people are:


About Us

Welcome to Strangely Warmed Media

We exist for one purpose: To enable you to take Jesus to the digital streets, highways and by-ways. We help churches and ministries of all sizes launch and maintain their digital ministries. The reason is simple: If the church is not evangelizing online, they are not engaging with their entire community.

John Wesley proclaimed, “The world is my parish.” We take this to the next level by enabling digital minstries for any church that wants to reach as many people as possible with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let us help you get started. If you already have digital ministry assets, let us help you improve them for the maximum reach.

silver iMac near iPhone on brown wooden table


What We Do?

Web Design

We use the powerful WordPress platform to design a website to meet you goals.


Your identity is vital. Let us design a branding program to set you apart.

Social Media

Social media is no longer optional in ministry. We can set you up on multiple platforms to reach as many people as possible.

Live Streaming

We can help you start your live streaming ministry, and it probably won’t cost as much as you think!


Did you know you can podcast for little or even no cost? Let us tell you how!


Do you already have digital ministry assets and just need help with expanding your reach? We can help.